Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Outline of 4th lesson (20 July 2013)

It was nice to see you all again after two weeks off.

We started with the news story exercises (element 3) on pp. 28-29.

Then we worked on the past simple and past progressive/continuous exercise on p. 30 (element 8) as a class.

I asked you to do element 9 for homework.

There are missing verbs and verb phrases in the paragraph for element 9. The words in the red box are clues. The verb phrase, "was staying" is intended as an example. I think you'll use each word and phrase once.
項目の段落はちゃんとできていないのです。抜かれた単語動詞や二語動詞を適切に入れて書きなおしてください。その上の赤い線の箱の中にある単語は手掛かりになるはずです。「was staying」の文は見本のつもりです。動詞や二語動詞は一回ずつ使っていいと思います。

First, read the paragraph and try to understand it. Then look for the places to put the verbs in.

Why does the speaker end up staying overnight in the hospital with her mother and new-born sister?

After talking about the homework, we moved on to p. 31, working exercises 1a and 4 in class.

From there, we looked at the movie posters on p. 32. I read the dialogue (tracks 1.18 and 1.19 on p. 88) and we discerned that the dialogue was about the movie, The Orphanage.

Please take the time to listen to the dialogues on the DVD.

Then we talked a little as a class about favorite movies. Two people were good enough to tell us about their favorite movies.


For more homework, and for the preview for the next class, I asked you to write a little about your own homes. You can look at pages 35 and 36 for ideas.

I put up an example.

Please don't put private information in your homework. Only tell us things you don't mind everyone knowing.

Finally, we worked on the review on p. 34 individually.

Check back later for details.

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