We started with page 59 element 1 as a bit of a preview, looking at pairs of words with similar meanings, and checking the differences.
最初はちょっとのプレビューとして 59ページの要素1に、似た意味の単語のペアを見て、その違いを考えました。
Then we returned to the homework on page 57, working through elements 6 - 9 as a class and trying to understand zero and first conditionals.
それで 57ページの要素6〜9を皆で確認し、条件文の第0と第一の場合を解こうとしました。
There was no one in the office, so I had to ask the custodial staff to turn the heating on.
There was no one in the office, so I had to ask the custodial staff to turn the heating on.
Then we listened to track 1.37, worked through the article on page 60 as a class, and listened to track 1.37 again. And we discussed the value of the expensive projects and items mentioned in the article in groups.
それから、トラック 1.37 を聞いて、 60ページの記事を皆で解いて 1.37をまた繰り返し聞きました。グループになって記事の高額な規格や品の価値を話し合いました。
Homework was elements 2 - 5 on page 59.
There was a suggestion for a class Christmas party. Unfortunately, I have not been able to clear using the classroom for such a purpose at this point. Please stay tuned.
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