I got sidetracked on a little play on the pronunciation of "agree" (意見などが合う、賛成する、一緒です) versus "ugly" (醜い)。 Fortunately, the difference is not just the sounds of "r" and "l". "Agree" is accented on the second syllable: uh-gree, "ugly" on the first: uhg-lee.
We came up with some sentences for the vocabulary in class. Lets take a look:
- I joined a bustling party. 忙しそうにしているパーティーに加えた。
- Earth is tinier than space. 宇宙よりは地球が小さい。
- My mother told me to keep my room clean. お母さは、私の部屋をきれいにするように支持を告げた。
- Kendo is a traditional Japanese sport. 剣道は日本の伝統的なスポーツです。
- Students at my school are friendly. 私の学校の生徒たちは親しく関わりあう。
- I think that Kyoto is one of the most picturesque cities in the world. 京都は絵のように美しく、世界一美しい街の中に入ると思う。
- I saw an enormous elephant at the zoo. 動物園でデッカイ象を見ました。
Bustling means noisy, but it is onomatopoeic, the sound of busy people. So the sentence
I joined a bustling party.is okay, but I wonder what the guests are busy doing. この文章で、お客さんはなんで忙しそうにしているかが気になります。
I joined the bustling guests, preparing for the dance.would be a bit more typical use. 後方の例はダンスの用意で bustling になっているので普段の言葉使いになると思います。
Tiny means very small, so in a comparison I would expect two small things. 極端に小さいので、比較文には双方が小さいのを期待します。
Earth is tinier than space.is okay, but it makes me think that there may be something bigger than space. 宇宙は小さく、地球がもっと小さい、という感じがします。 (I think there is something much bigger than space, but not all people think so. 僕は宇宙よりもはるかに大きいものがあると思いますが、皆がそう思うわけではありません。)
Earth is tiny, and space is enormous.would be a more typical use of "tiny".
For some reason, I brought up these two standard idioms:
- The elephant in the room. 皆が無視している(象ほど大きいから)見えないはずのないもの
- A bull in a china shop. 陶磁器の高級店に入り込んだ雄牛
I really don't have the time for this, but, just for fun, I'll make up some more examples:
- I left the bustling city for the quiet countryside. (決まり文句です。)
- The streets near the park are clean, but the ditches near the factory are polluted.
- Weekends at home in the countryside are dull, but the city has a lively nightlife.
- Tokyo is enormous, but Wink, Texas is tiny. (Notrees is even tinier.)
- Odessa, Texas was a friendly town when I was young, but it has become less welcoming now.
- Tokyo is a modern city; Kyoto is more traditional.
- Harima Central Park is very picturesque. When I look at the ugly abandoned apartment across the street, I want to go to Harima Park.
- Minoh City is a nice place to visit, but it's a little touristy. Katou City is still a little more unspoiled.
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