- some, more, most
- some, less, least
- good, better, best
- well, better, best
- bad, worse, worst
Examples 例文 :
- China is the biggest country in population.
- I don't remember what is harder than diamond.
(I checked, and the hardest materials are still all types of diamond.)
We read "Why not move to ... Santiago, Chile?" and found comparatives and superlatives.
Note: "fed up": 「まずい餌を食わしてもらって、いっぱい!」つまり、「もう、たくさん!」というようなうんざりした気持ちと表現です。
The exercise in element 12:
- Russia is the biggest country in the world, in land area.
- Some people think Russia is one of the most interesting countries in the world.
- Big seats on and airplane are more comfortable than small seats.
- Which airline do you think has better service -- JAL Japan Airlines, or LOT Polish Airlines?
- Are people now more friendly than before?
- Is Hokkaido as cold as Moscow?
- Is Bigos the most delicious food in Poland?
- Which half of Warsaw is older? And where is the oldest part?
About question 8, we often talk about the newer part of a city versus the older part. Because there are implicitly two parts, we use the comparative rather than the superlative. This is not an absolute rule, however, so "the oldest part of the city" is not wrong.
問8に関しては、ある街を新町と古町の二つに別けて考えています。その場合は二つを比べるので最上級ではなく、比較級を使います。ただし、これは絶対的なルールではないのでここで "the oldest part of the city" を使っては間違いではない。
Note: "speciality" is the British form, "specialty" the American form. 得意、自慢の品
Examples from class for element 13a:
You won't find anywhere hotter than Houston, Texas.
The streets [there] are not as clean as [the streets] in some cities.
New York has a reputation for being more expensive than other cities.
You won't find anywhere taller than the Sky Tree.
The Vatican is not as big as some cities.
You won't find anywhere smaller than The Vatican city state.
Singapore has a reputation for being cleaner than other cities.
Osaka City is not as hot as some cities.