Thursday, October 31, 2013

Probability Adverb Placement (page 43, elements 5, 6, & 7)

May and might, can and could are helping verbs. So are will and would.
Maymight, cancould, それに willwould 、それぞれは助動詞です。

You should never use more than one helping verb with a main verb, so you don't want to say,
They will might win.
Rather, you want to say,

They might win.

"Might", by itself, makes the mood sufficiently future.
"Might" は単独で感覚を充分に未来に持っていきます。

(I have friends who say, "I might could win that." But they are speaking Texas dialect, not standard English.)
("I might could win that."という言い方を使う友達はいますが、彼らが喋っているのは標準的な英語ではなく、テキサス弁です。)

Other than that, the preferred position for probability adverbs is usually after a positive helping verb, but before a negative one:
I will probably win.
I probably won't win.
But this is not a rule. There is a reason, and the position can change. In the positive,
I probably will win.
is a guess about the future. But,
I will probably win.
says you have the will to probably win.

This is generally a not a bad thing, but it is talking more about your will more than about the future.

In the negative,
I probably won't win.
is also a guess about the future, where
I won't probably win.
says you don't want to probably win.

This is a bit confusing, since the word "probably" is being negated. You could be expressing either confidence or doubt in your winning. So it is a construction that is rarely used.

So, looking at element 6:
  • Technology will probably become ...
  • We will definitely be able to ...
  • We probably won't use ...
  • We might not all have ...
In the last sentence here, "might" is more about probability, and "could" is more about ability or permission.
この最後の文章には "might" は将来のことの確率を推測しているに、 "could" は機能とか許可について話しているのです。

And here are my takes on element 7, predictions about the near future:

People will {probably} write fewer letters, but more electronic messages.
This is more than probable, so I might leave the probability out, entirely.
Most likely, more people will have even more access to the Internet. Land phones will become more and more like wireless smartphones.
Again, this is more than just probable, and I move "most likely" to the front of the sentence for emphasis.
また、確率の問題ではないので、その確実性を強調するために "most likely" を文章の前に持って行く事にします。
Probably, more people will watch digital videos instead of video cassettes or DVDs or even Blue-Ray disks. HDTV will probably be replaced by internet broadcast technology, and one-seg TV will likely be picked up outside of Japan. And, probably, even more people will make their own videos.
Again, to emphasize my confidence in the trend, I've put "probably" in front of the first sentence and the last. (Yes, I think that, except for one-seg, wireless broadcast television will disappear.)
Everyone will have to become more conscious of how they use water.
Again, this is not a matter of probability.
Instead of mobile phones or smartphones, people will probably start carrying small mobile computers.
(Why do I think smartphones are not true mobile computers? Well, that's not English, maybe I'll get a chance to blog about it on one of my personal blogs.)
Organic methods of growing foods will have to become more systemized, and most people will probably start growing some of the food they eat, themselves.
(Organic is still not a very well-defined term, but it represents a trend against the nutrition-robbing mass production methods used by big farms.)

That pretty much covers what we did in class with probability adverbs.

Two People's Opinions about the Future

Track 1-26, see p. 89, as well.

Tracy is the girl and Stig is the boy.

They agree that most homes will be smaller, but Stig is sure that there will always be rich people with big homes.

The agree on the rest:
  • People won't stop using cars. 車を止めることは無いでしょう。
  • People won't keep fish to eat. 魚を食べるために飼うことも無いでしょう。
  • Fridges are already more intelligent. 冷蔵庫は既に知能付きになっている。
  • And robots are already becoming more common. そしてロボットは既に普及している。

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Outline of 2nd Lesson (26 October) (updated)

Started with the material I left as homework last week -- elements 5, 6, and 7 on p. 43.
先週残していた p. 43 の要素 5, 6, 及び 7 から行きました。

For element 5, we listened to the audio. I had troubles with the PC, so I ended up demonstrating two or three ways to find the audio. It's not a video. There is only an audio track to listen to for this one.
要素 5 のために DVD のオーディオを聞きました。パソコンの問題があって、結局オーディオの聴き方2、3通り見せることができました。ビデオではありません。音源だけです。

It is a DVD, so it should be playable on a DVD player. If you are using a computer, you may see the opening screen automatically, or you may only see the disk's root folder/directory.
CD ではなく、 DVD ですので DVD プレイヤーで再生できるはずです。ただし、コンピュータを使って聞きたいなら、起動画面が自動的に出てくる場合もあれば出てこない場合もあるでしょう。出てこない場合は DVD 円盤の最上位(根・ルート)ディレクトリを見せられるだけでしょう。

Either way, if you see the opening screen, click it. Then you should see a menu screen. There should be a list of things to do on the bottom of the menu screen. Track 1.26 is an audio track.
開始画面が現れるとその画面をクリックしてください。クリックしたらメニュー画面が出てくるはずです。画面のしたに使い方(活動)のリストが並んでいるはずです。トラック 1.26 がその内のオーディオトラックです。

If you are on a computer and you don't see the opening screen, look at the file "readme.html" in the root directory of the DVD. That explains how to install Pearson Longman's player.
コンピュータを使っている場合は、開始画面が出てこない場合、ルートディレクトリの中にある "readme.html" というファイルを見てください。(英語ですけど。)ピアソンロングマンのプレイヤーソフトをインストールする方法について説明してくれるのです。

Or, if you understand file paths, the audio file is located here:
and you can play that with your music player or iTunes or MSWindows Media Player.
そのファイルは音楽プレイヤーでも、 iTunes 若しくは MS ウィンドーズメディアプレイヤーなどでもを使って再生できます。

For element 6, I walked through the grammar for locating probability adverbs.
要素 6 では、確率を示す副詞の位置の文法を案内しました。

For element 7, we all tried our hand at writing some predictions in future mood.
要素 7 では、未来雰囲気に移って予測を書いてみました。

I'll post reviews of the material later.

From the second hour, we dug into pages 45 and 46.
2時間目から p. 45-6 に入り込みました。

First, we talked about prefixes and suffixes and root words. Then we looked at want-ads and practiced writing our own. Finally, we looked at the ad for a fictional reality show based on people moving to a dream location and changing their lifestyles, and wrote mock applications to the program.

Homework was to revise the want-ads and reality show applications, and you can send the homework by e-mail or bring it to class next time. (I already have the homework from three of you.)

I will post details for each segment of the class later. If I have time, I'll update this post with translations to Japanese, as well.

See you all next time.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Being friendly to the environment

"Eco-friendly" is short for "ecology friendly", or "friendly to the environment".
"Eco-friendly" とは「環境親しい」か「環境友」か環境にやさしいことを言っているつもりです。
 Some of the things we in the class are doing to be friendly to the environment:

I sold my car to be more eco-friendly. (This was the teacher's example.)

I often walk short distances, like two kilometers.

I often use public transportation.

At the check-out register, I say, “No plastic bags, please.”

I separate garbage by type.

I turn off the lights and the air conditioner.

I use the water from the tub, instead of the shower.

(This one may need cultural explanations, particularly about the use of the bucket.)

I turn the water temperature down two degrees.

I re-use plastic bottles.
 I often take walks.

I help other people when I can.


"Pet bottle" is not English. "Plastic bottle" is the usual term for "polyurethane bottle".

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Outline of 1st Fall Session Lesson (October 12th, 2013) (update 2)

After we took care of the textbooks, we all took turns at introducing ourselves.

This session, we have quite a range and scope of English abilities. This is a good thing, because we can help each other. Helping others with English is a good way to learn more English.


After personal introductions, we worked on the article on pages 42-43, about how improving our ecological relationship with the environment may affect our lifestyles in the future. I asked for some examples of things in our lives we have changed to be more friendly to the environment.
自己紹介の後は 42~43ページを参考に環境との関係を改善することは将来の生き方をどう帰るかについて話しました。皆から、環境との関係を改善するために自分の慣習をどう変えてきているかを聞きました。幾つかの実例を上げてもらいました。

After some discussion and English practice, we tried to listen to to track 1.26, so we could answer the questions in element 4. I need to bring my own speakers, I guess. Anyway, we couldn't get enough volume, so this became homework.
若干の話と練習してから、 DVD のトラック1の26を聞いて要素4の問題を解こうと思いましたが、今度は別の外部スピーカを持って来る必要あるらしい。音量が不十分でこれを宿題にしました。

So, please listen to track 1-26 on the DVD and answer the questions in element 4 on page 43 for homework. We'll check the answers during the next lesson.
それで、宿題として DVD のトラック1の 26 を聞いて、43ページの要素の問題をやって来てください。授業の間に答え合わせします。

You can read the English text for track 1-26 on page 89.
トラック1の 26 の文章を 89 ページで読んでいただけます。

Then we looked at the houses and their descriptions on p. 44.
それから 44 ページの家とその説明を見ました。

(It looks like the motor home has a human motor.)

We also looked at compound words used in the lesson, checking the meanings and pronunciations. Note that the pronunciation, especially the accented syllables, changes for compound words. You can listen to them on track 1-27 on the DVD.
レッスン内の複合単語を見て、意味と発音を確認しました。単語の発音は、複合になると変化を受けることに気をつけてください。 DVD のトラック1の 27 で複合単語の発音を確認できます。

I also asked you to pick up more homework -- elements 5, 6, and 7 on p. 43. These are a little hard, and I'll explain why later. For now, please give them a try.
もう一つの宿題を頼みました。 43 ページの要素 5, 6, 及び 7 をやってみてください。少し難しいに思われるでしょうけど、後に説明します。とりあえず、やってみて来て下さい。

Then we talked about homework, and that was the two hours for the day.

Don't forget that class next time is three hours, starting a half-hour earlier and ending a half-hour later. This will be the regular time until the last class.