Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Music Is Creatve -- The 2nd Winter Mini-debate 冬季第2のミニ討論 (updated)

Proposition: Music is creative. [very lightly edited]

Even if it's the same song, it changes the atmosphere according to the player.
Music is not creative because it just imitates other's songs.
Music is creative. Even if we use a score, we have to think about the expression of the music. For example, when there is forte in a score  we have to think how loud we play it.
I think music is not creative, for example, singing. When you sing a song which you can't understand the meaning or you can't imagine its background, it's not creative.
I think music is creative because it makes many people happy, and we can express ourselves. And,, if you sing you don't need equipment.
I think music is not creative. For example, studying music theory is not creative. Music theory is the rules of music, so we can't change it.
[I think the students were pretty creative, so I don't want to "fix" their sentences. But they need to study for the tests, so the following is edited heavily to match standard American English:]

Even when people perform the same song, there is a creative atmosphere that changes according to the performer.
But performing music is not really creative because performers just imitate other's songs.
But even if we follow a score, we have to think about the expression of the music. For example, when there is a forte in the score, we have to think how loud to play it. That thinking is a creative activity.
But many people do not sing expressively, and when you sing a song with a meaning that you can't understand or a background that you can't imagine, it's not creative.
I think music is creative when it makes many people happy and we can express ourselves. Also, when you sing, you don't need instruments.
But there is much about music that is not creative. For example, music theory is the rules of music, and we can't change them, so that's not creative.

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