Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cooking Is Creative -- The 1st Winter Mini-debate 冬季の最初のミニ討論 (updated)

Proposition: Cooking is creative. [un-edited]

Coooking is creative. Even if everyone makes the same dishes, the taste is different.
To make different flavors is not creative. We just imitate other people's recipes, one food stuff (ingredient) has just one flavor so the taste is the same.
It is creative because we can make different tastes. For example, miso soup. My mother's and my grandmother's food stuff (ingredients) are different, so the tastes are different tastes.
When you cook with a recipe another person makes, it is not creative, because it can be said that you just copied someone's ideas. There are already many dishes, so more or less, you will be influenced by them.
Cooking is creative because there are many kinds of recipes and I think they are not the same taste.
Cooking makes something like same. The same food stuff only makes the same dishes, so cooking is not creative.

[I think the students were pretty creative, so I didn't want to "fix" their sentences. But they need to study for the tests, so the following is edited heavily to standard American English:]

I think cooking is creative. Even when many people prepare the same dish, each person's dish will have a unique taste because of the person who prepared it.
It is not creative just to make variations on the flavor of a dish. We just imitate other people's recipes, and the flavor of an ingredient does not really change. So the taste ends up the same.
We can make the taste different. Take miso (味噌) soup, for example. My mother and my grandmother each make miso with different ingredients, so the taste ends up different.
When you cook with another person's recipe, you might as well be copying their ideas. That is not creative. And there are already so many dishes that you can't avoid being influenced by dishes other people have made.
But there are many kinds of recipes, each tasting differently. So there is creativity in cooking.
But the ingredients will always be the same, so the results are the same dishes, and that's not creative.

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